What does it mean to live free?
of churches exploring together what it looks like to
create cultures of ever increasing freedom.
What does it mean to live free?
of churches exploring together what it looks like to
create cultures of ever increasing freedom.

Eastgate Encounter Weekend
Come to experience God, dwell in his presence and learn more about how to walk in a naturally supernatural lifestyle. That is the aim of the “Eastgate Encounter Weekend”…
Why The Five-fold Ministry Faces Such Opposition | Episode #10 | Free To Be
In the final episode from series 1, Pete and Jamie continue the conversation about the differences between personality-driven churches…

Many Voices, One Song.
God is stirring something in the hearts and minds of believers on an unprecedented scale. Never before has there been so many people, from different nations and diverse church backgrounds, experiencing His goodness and gathering around His manifest presence.
In 2014, a number of church leadership teams, recognising within each other the same passion, started meeting together. At the time, no-one knew what was being birthed or where it would lead. But this was the start of Living Fire – a community formed, not through geography or hierarchy, but relationship. With a mandate to see more people than ever before enjoying the presence and freedom of God.